SOCN's Metro STL Team at Celebrate St. Louis on 4th of July

SOCN had the privilege to sponsor the Veterans Village at Celebrate St. Louis on the 4th of July this year. SOCN"s Metro STL Team manned the tent and despite the heat & Humidity, were able to serve numerous active Military, Veterans and First Responders, answer questions and overall had a great time! More…

SOCN receives a $7500.00 Check from Veterans Guardian, a company specializing in VA Claims consulting

Bill Taylor, a Retired LTC and COO of Veterans Guardian, a company specializing in VA Claims Consulting, donated $7500.00 pt SOCN for our Find Your Tribe Initiative. More…

SOCN's EVP, Mark Quinn, CSM, US Army (ret) Testimony on therapeutic use of Psychedelics in treatment of PTS/PTSD/TBI

CSM Quinn testifying before both the MO House and Senate More…

SOCN Assists Ft. Bragg, NC Couple with Wife's Treatment Costs for a rare form of Lyme Disease

SOCN assists CPT Breanna Imperial with treatment costs More…

SOCN receives a $2500 Donor Check from The Kaufman Fund

SOCN and Kaufman Fund More…

SOCN's Jim Barnett at the NRA Conference with American Rebel

Jim Barnett and an American Rebel Executive at NRA 2023 More…

SOCN-Parsons Fundraiser Yacht Cruise- Special Operations Forces Industry Conference

SOCN-Parson Yacht Fundraiser Cruise More…

Knee Scooter Donation

SOCN donated a “Knee Scooter’ for Vets to use when going thru Rehab and PT after foot surgery! More…

SOCN Executives Doug Scott and Mark Quinn in LA for the SGT Will Gardner Custom Tank Signing

Doug and Mark met with Tim Clemente, Gary Sinse, Max Martini, and Robert Patrick in LA for the Tank Signing. More…

SOCN & SEAL Kids at the UDT-SEAL Memorial

SOCN donated $4000 to SEAL Kids More…